The Dispositions Necessary
If thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be lightsome. (St. Matt. vi. 22.)
In order to make a good use of the various means afforded us of making progress towards true
happiness, we must consider what should be our state of mind respecting them.
We must be on the watch to see that our inclinations do not run away with us. Most of the
foolish things we do are the result of acting on the
impulse, of being led by our inclinations, of being
influenced by wounded self-love. How many
a golden opportunity of merit we have missed
because we would not accept patiently what wounded
us or hurt our self-esteem.
We must try to make ourselves ready to accept
whatever God sends, whether painful or pleasant.
We must take willingly and cheerfully sickness,
pain, unkindness, neglect, failure, poverty; and
though nature may cry out against it, yet we must
keep our will united to God's so as to be always
able to say: "Not my will be done, O my God,
but Thine."
We must try to look on the bright side of everything. There is nothing in the world that has not a bright side. This will make us always patient,
and, what is more, always happy. We shall acquire
a facility for ignoring or passing over the painful
side of things, to look at the joyful and hopeful.
Do I try to do this, or do I often grumble and repine?
Offer to God your willingness to endure whatever He sees to be good for your soul.